Our services.

The consultation.

$250* In-Person Consultation

The consultation begins with an on-site visit starting with 1 hour and can be longer if there are multiple spaces to discuss. During this time we talk through your vision for the space - how you want to use the space and how you want the space to look and feel like. This is a completely fluid conversation between you and me, someone who just so happens to be an interior designer by profession, so ask me whatever design questions you have during this time. Suggestions regarding space planning, furniture & decor choices and color palettes are just a few topics of discussion during our time together. If this consult leaves you with wanting more, we can then discuss “next steps” such as any one, or combination, of the services below.

Services best suited to your needs.

Custom designed
mood boards.

Providing you a visual representation of the design approach and furniture & decor finishes for your space.

Layout &
space planning.

Providing you both 2D and 3D floor plans to help you better plan and layout your space.

Selection of finishes & fixtures.

Renovating or upgrading your space, or making selections for a “new build” home? We can help you make the best selections.

Let’s shop till
we drop.

Don’t want me to have all the fun? Together we take to the shops and select furniture & decor for your space.

Furniture &
decor sourcing.

Once we discuss the vision for your space, and you decide you prefer to take the more hands-on approach and purchase the items yourself, Willowhaus provides you a complete spreadsheet of the sourced furniture & decor items along with all the respective item details to ease your purchasing experience.

& styling.

After all the planning, decision making and shopping, we arrive at the final step of pulling it all together. During this step, Willowhaus comes on-site and completes the final installation of all furniture & decor and styles your dream space.

Project & budget management.

Looking for a turn-key approach? Let Willowhaus manage every step of the process from conceptualization, procurement, suppliers/contractors and all of the good stuff in between. We ensure that the use of your budget is maximized and accounted for.


Not located in Quebec, Canada but interested in my services? From mood boards, layout & space planning and furniture & decor sourcing, Iet’s chat virtually and see how I can help you.